I don’t know if anybody actually follows this blog, but if you do, you know I’ve neglected this website for the last six months. The last post was our trip back from North Carolina after buying the airplane and I’ve been pretty distracted with airplane stuff and training Brandon and Caitlin. Also the smoke, COVID restrictions, flying, and other distractions have kept me away from both astrophotography and this website. The only thing I did manage to shoot was Comet Neowise (C2020 F3). I have a good single frame picture posted here, but I still need to process all of the data I collected. Processing comets is something new to me (different because they move) and will be a learning experience that I have yet to tackle. I’m hoping time, weather, and smoke will allow me to return to astrophotography soon.
I’ll make another post soon of some of the flying I’ve done recently.
Comet C2020 F3 (NEOWISE) w/IRIDIUM flare